第二屆香港古樂節: 尋源之旅
2nd Hong Kong Music Festival 2021: A Historical Journey
Press release
Concerto da Camera is very pleased to present the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2021, titled A Historical Journey. Despite the difficulties and lockdown across the world, we believe that music not only brings us hope and joy, this universal language also links people together and create resonance among us. This year, we are excited to present the festival to you in an extraordinary manner: all events will be streamed online and provide access to a worldwide audiences.
A collaboration of talents with different expertise: musicians, filmmakers, production crew and many more. This international line-up – no matter staying in Hong Kong or abroad they are, all contributed greatly for the best.
The theme of our 2021 Festival is A Historical Journey. Through the medium of music, we aim to take our audience on a magical journey: to see and listen to the authentic period musical instruments, to visit various historical sites, and to appreciate the arts and culture associated with them, likewise to be free from quarantine as well!
Our Programmes will be publish on Concerto da Camera’s Youtube Channel:

Face to face events

Concerto da Camera are open for face to face public or in house screening for the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival programmes within a limited period. If you organisation or company are interested to host screening session(s),
please contact us soon at email : concertodacamerahk@gmail.com
For audience, if you would like to join our face to face screening session,
please stay tune to our updates or email us for enquiry.
Below are some of our upcoming screening events:
23rd Sep at Rockson Organ Service Company
24th Sep at Hong Kong Baptist University
30th Sep at Hong Kong Science and Technology Centre for the Arts
12th Nov at Hong Kong Baptist University
9th Nov Tues at Alliance Francais Hong Kong register here.
25th Nov at Kocham Polske
And more…