3rd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2023
介紹古鍵琴繪畫藝術 🪵+🥚+ 🎨 = 🖼️
藝術文化人的聚會 🎼👩🏻🎨🎨
Harpsichord Painting Workshop (Historical informed painting) by Gloria Wong
Matthew Manchester 博士主講
Lecture demonstration and workshop : Ornamentation and improvisation in music from the 16th and 17th century
by Dr. Matthew Manchester
Practitioner and teacher of historically-informed performance of Renaissance & Baroque music
415 Baroque Jam!
由巴羅克雙簧管演奏家Agnieszka Mazur 帶領
‧ 歡迎用A= 415 管樂或弦樂演奏
‧ 認識巴赫眾讚歌、巴羅克舞曲及即興演奏的演奏技巧
415 Baroque Jam!
‧ Coached by Baroque Oboist Agnieszka Mazur
‧ Winds & Strings players tune in A=415 are welcome
‧ Working on Bach's Chorale, Dance Suites & Improvisation on Ositnato basses
由巴羅克雙簧管演奏家Agnieszka Mazur 主持
‧ 認識即興演奏的演奏技巧
Outreach education at
Educational University of Hong Kong:
Lecture Demonstration
by Baroque Oboist Agnieszka Mazur
‧ Working on Improvisation on Ositnato Basses
Concerto da Camera was honoured to be invited by the Netherlands Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao SAR, Consul- General Mr Arjen van den Berg for having us to present a full length house concert at his residency, a beautiful historical mansion which is similar to the 19th century European salon concert setting. Thank you for his hospitality and having the attentive audience. A wonderful wrap up for the 3rd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2023!
100% Gezellig!

雅樂合奏團第三屆香港古樂節: 鑑古創新
此作品於2023年由雅樂合奏團有限公司 委約,費用由香港 作 曲 家 及 作 詞 家 協 會 轄 下 的 「 CASH 音 樂 基 金 」 贊 助 。
演奏者 | Performers
2023年10月14日 音樂會一:巴赫的啓蒙
Matthew Manchester | 文藝復興角號
楊嘉倫 | 文藝復興低音管
崔賢貞 | 巴羅克小提琴
顏嘉俊 | 巴羅克小提琴
楊奇峰 | 管風琴
黎樂敏| 女高音
沈培娜 | 女中音
朱楚亨 | 男高音
曾宇軒 | 男中音
梁宇正 | 音樂導賞 (英語)
2023年10月18日 音樂會二:巴赫年代與承傳
唐書堯 | 木笛
Agnieszka Mazur | 巴羅克雙簧管
楊嘉倫 | 巴羅克巴松管
顏嘉俊 | 巴羅克小提琴
Shelagh Heath | 巴羅克大提琴
楊奇峰 | 古鍵琴
黎樂敏 | 女高音
邱美琪| 作曲
梁宇正 | 音樂導賞 (英語)
3rd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2023: Innovation Through Tradition
Our journey begins in Venice, the epicentre of musical creativity from the second half of the 16th century to early 17th century. Many German early Baroque composers went there to study and work. They helped transport the Venetian styles and musical idioms north. The styles and traditions of the German Baroque that they had then forged and developed would, a century later, culminated in the works of Bach.
Bach had never left Germany once in his life. He studied and absorbed stylistic aspects of his contemporaries from across Europe through copying, arranging and transcribing their pieces. His own music was also being adapted by the other composers, so, one could imagine that the influence was mutual.
World premiere of "Carousel of Illusions" by Yau May Kay.
This new work is commissioned by Concerto da Camera Limited in 2023 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund. May Kay.
This project is supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
14th October 2023-
Concert no.1 : Music Before Bach
Matthew Manchester | Cornetto
Karen Yeung | Dulcian
Hyunjung Choi| Baroque Violin
Gary Ngan | Baroque Violin
Kenneth Yeung| Organ
Kitty Lai | Soprano
Margaret Sang | Mezzo Soprano
Edmond Chu | Tenor
Alan Tsang | Baritone
Eugene Leung | Concert Presenter (Eng)
Early music concert performing in period instruments
18th October 2023-
Concert no.2: Bach’s Contemporaries and Beyond
David Tong | Recorder
Agnieszka Mazur| Baroque Oboe
Karen Yeung | Baroque Bassoon
Gary Ngan |Baroque Violin
Shelagh Heath | Baroque Cello
Kenneth Yeung | Harpsichord
Kitty Lai | Soprano
Yau May Kay | Composer
Eugene Leung | Concert Presenter (Eng)