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第二屆香港古樂節: 尋源之旅

2nd Hong Kong Music Festival 2021

A Historical Journey

Organist Jessie Lau

Back To The Renaissance

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Hong Kong Trumpeters'Sound

From Gabrieli and Frescobaldi, to Fontana and Monteverdi – enjoy wonderful Renaissance masterpieces in an online concert involving choir, trumpets, flugelhorns, violins, dulcian and pipe organ, brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival.

Musicians from Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Trumpeters’ Sound, organist Jessie Lau, along with the Tallis Vocalis and Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble led by Hong Kong conductor Vivian Ip, will perform beautiful choral and instrumental music at St. Stephen’s Chapel, a historical site in the grounds of St. Stephen’s College, Stanley, on the south side of Hong Kong Island.

Presenting the spacious glory of Renaissance polyphony in a heritage building, this online concert is sure to delight the audience and bring the festival to a triumphant close.

第二屆香港古樂節的結幕音樂會以《回到文藝復興的意大利》為主題,結集多位香港傑出音樂家,演繹比埃利 (Gabrieli)、費斯可巴第 (Frescobaldi) 、豐塔納 (Fontana) 和蒙台威爾第 (Monteverdi) 為合唱團、器樂合奏和管風琴而寫的精彩作品,以網上音樂會的形式送給每位愛樂者。是次網上音樂會在歷史悠久的香港聖公會赤柱聖士提反堂拍攝,參與音樂家及團體包括香港小號之聲、管風琴家劉潔芝、由指揮家葉詠媛帶領的塔利斯合唱團和雅樂合奏團巴羅克合奏小組,會以豐富多變的文藝復興時期樂曲為第二屆香港古樂節畫上圓滿句號。

Tallis Vocalis
Conductor Vivian Ip
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Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble
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