Daan Vree 천 광우
Film Writer & Director

Freelance filmmaker Daan Vree is born in South-Korea and raised in The Netherlands. He has a masters degree in Colonial literature of the Dutch-Indies at the University of Amsterdam. He is educated in scriptwriting at the Dutch Mediafonds and followed filmcourses at Open Studio and Bromet Film School. He teaches writing skills and film at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. As CinemAsia FilmLAB-producer he has produced 12 short movies with Asian diaspora stories (2013-2017). He directed two fiction shorts that tells the story of adoption with surprising angles: Adopted (2012) and Hangul Blues (2018).
For Museum Geelvinck he filmed many classic music video’s of live concerts. For The 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival he produced and directed two films: Life is A Dream (26 min.), a musicfilm that is recorded in the summer of 2021 in Castle Loenersloot. The film shows a love story through the eyes of a 8-year old girl. And The Broadwood Piano at the Loenersloot Castle (7min.), an educational video in which the Japanese fortepianist Kaoru Iwamura explains the ins and outs of playing on the square piano made by Broadwood & Sons in London in 1829.