Press kit
第二屆香港古樂節: 尋源之旅
2nd Hong Kong Music Festival 2021: A Historical Journey
Press release
Concerto da Camera is very pleased to present the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2021, titled A Historical Journey. Despite the difficulties and lockdown across the world, we believe that music not only brings us hope and joy, this universal language also links people together and create resonance among us. This year, we are excited to present the festival to you in an extraordinary manner: all events will be streamed online and provide access to a worldwide audiences.
A collaboration of talents with different expertise: musicians, filmmakers, production crew and many more. This international line-up – no matter staying in Hong Kong or abroad they are, all contributed greatly for the best.
The theme of our 2021 Festival is A Historical Journey. Through the medium of music, we aim to take our audience on a magical journey: to see and listen to the authentic period musical instruments, to visit various historical sites, and to appreciate the arts and culture associated with them, likewise to be free from quarantine as well!
Our Programmes will be publish on Concerto da Camera’s Youtube Channel:

Programme 1
Knowing the Harpsichord (Educational)
Join harpsichordist Kenneth Yeung this autumn for Knowing the Harpsichord, a series of four episodes brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Music Festival, 2021.
《古鍵琴知多D》(教育推廣) Ken 哥哥與節目主持珊珊姐姐和慧慧妹妹,帶來一連四集《古鍵琴知多D》,與您投入精彩的巴羅克音樂世界。
Progarmme 2
The Pipe Organ in the Town Church of Waltershausen (Cultural Appreciation & Performance)
Join concert organist Stefan Kießling in The Pipe Organ in Waltershausen Town Church, a two-part video series featuring the largest Baroque organ in Thuringia, Germany, brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival.
今屆香港古樂節,德國管風琴演奏家傑斯寧 (Stefan Kießling) 會擔任美樂嚮導,在一連兩集的「瓦爾特斯豪森教堂的管風琴」中帶您到德國中部古鎮,認識該區一座歷史悠久、外型宏偉的巴羅克管風琴。
Programme 3
Life is a Dream (Music Video)
The 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival features a rich diversity of musical genres, including the music video “Life Is a Dream”, directed by Amsterdam-based writer and filmmaker Daan Vree.
A bonus video "The Broadwood Piano at the Loenersloot Castle" (Cultural Appreciation) is brought to you on Concerto da Camera’s Youtube channel. Kaoru Iwamura will tell you more about the 200-year-old English Broadwood Square Piano she played in the video. This is a golden opportunity for you to extend your knowledge on the authentic keyboard instruments.
第二屆香港古樂節會為您送上豐富多樣的音樂節目,包括全新拍製的音樂影片《人生如夢》。這齣製作由居於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的作家兼電影製作人達恩・弗雷 (Daan Vree) 執導,全片均於荷蘭烏得勒支省中有八百年歴史的倫拿斯魯特城堡(Loenersloot Castle)中拍攝。
此外, 鋼琴家岩村薰會在《倫拿斯魯特城堡的古鋼琴》(文化推廣) 視頻中,為您詳細介紹她在《人生如夢》中彈奏的樂器,那是一部有二百年曆史的英國 Broadwood 方形鋼琴。這會是您認識早期鍵盤樂器的絕佳機會。 彩蛋視頻會於雅合奏團的YouTube Channel播出。
Programme 4
The Sound of Chopin (Documentary)
Being hailed as “the poet at the piano”, Polish composer Frederic Chopin was very particular about the craftsmanship and tone of the pianos he played and was especially fond of those manufactured by the French company Pleyel. According to the pianist-composer’s contemporary Franz Liszt, this preference was because of “their silvery and slightly veiled sonority” and their “lightness of touch”.
生於波蘭、曾於十九世紀三、四十年代風靡法國的「鋼琴詩人」蕭邦,其作品至今仍深受樂迷熱愛。蕭邦對鋼琴的音色非常講究,自他21歲去到巴黎後,便鍾情於法國製造商Pleyel的鋼琴。但經過近兩個世紀的發展,古今鋼琴無論造工和音色已經不盡相同, 導演郭靜君抱著「現代人仍有機會一聽曾令蕭邦心醉的獨特琴音嗎?」 這個疑問,拍攝《蕭邦的琴音》, 以紀錄片方式追溯「鋼琴詩人」喜愛的樂器和音色,這齣精彩製作於本屆香港古樂節中首播。
Programme 5
Back To The Renaissance (Performance)
From Gabrieli and Frescobaldi, to Fontana and Monteverdi – enjoy wonderful Renaissance masterpieces in an online concert involving choir, trumpets, flugelhorns, violins, dulcian and pipe organ, brought to you by the 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival.
第二屆香港古樂節的結幕音樂會以「回到文藝復興的意大利」為主題,結集多位香港傑出音樂家,演繹比埃利 (Gabrieli)、費斯可巴第 (Frescobaldi) 、豐塔納 (Fontana) 和蒙台威爾第 (Monteverdi) 為合唱團、器樂合奏和管風琴而寫的精彩作品,以網上音樂會的形式送給每位愛樂者。