Presented by Concerto da Camera
Associated Project of French May Arts Festival
Special Support from Alliance Française de Hong Kong
The Splendour of French Baroque Music
Date: 11th June 2024
Venue: Hong Kong City Hall Theatre
In the 17th century, France, under the rule of Louis XIV, became a powerful country. The Sun King sought to elevate his country’s power and influence not only in politics and economics, but also in the realm of the arts. To establish his authority, he consciously undermined the influence of the prevalent Italian style. Seeing dance as mastery over both body and mind, France embraced it as the ultimate expression of aristocratic refinement. French composers and artists aimed to captivate their audience with a blend of intellectual engagement and sensory experiences, appealing to the senses and the mind. This era witnessed the emergence and solidification of the French cultural identity.
France under the rule of Louis XIV embraced dance as the ultimate expression of aristocratic refinement. French composers and artists aimed to stimulate intellectual engagement through sensory experiences, appealing to both the senses and the mind.
Many composers from outside of France were influenced by the French style. They adapted French elements such as ballet as well as graceful French-style ornamentation in their works.
Performing music by French court composers such as Jean-Baptiste Lully, Michel-Richard Delalande, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Francois Couperin, Jean-Féry Rebel, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Marin Marais, Jean-Baptiste Forqueray as well as music of non-French Baroque composers such as George Frideric Handel and Johann Jakob Froberger who integrated French elements in their works. Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble will collaborate with Pierre-François Dollé, dancer and choreographer, to offer you a feast of French baroque splendour.
Pierre-François Dollé (France) | Baroque dancer and choreographer
Pierre-François Dollé is a dancer, choreographer, pedagogue, and researcher. He was trained at the Cologne University of Music and Dance and holds a French State Diploma in dance teaching. He regularly participates in productions at the Opéra National de Paris such as The Marriage of Figaro and Les Indes Galantes among others. Since 2005, he has specialized in historic dances and is now a busy choreographer, in France and abroad, working for opera productions, plays, and choreographic shows. He has worked with organizations such as l’Eclat des Muses, l’Eventail, Le Poème Harmonique, le Théâtre de l’Incrédule, the Toronto Consort, Zeitentanz, Capella de la Torre, Les Jardins Chorégraphiques, the Cracovia Danza company, and the Boston Early Music Festival. For years, he has collaborated with Les Arts Florissants on many projects, including its 40th anniversary ball at the Philharmonie de Paris.
Between 2007 and 2020, Dollé was artistic director and choreographer of the Cie Fantaisies Baroques. In 2021, he founded the dance company HéliosKine, which explores a contemporary vision of historical materials. He was a recipient of multiple grants from the Centre National de la Danse for research on the dances of the early 17th century (with Christine Bayle) and on the notebooks of Michel St Léon (with Irène Feste), as well as for the recreation of the Ballet pour Neuf Danseurs (1700), choreographed by Raoul Auger Feuillet. He has taught masterclass, workshops, and courses worldwide in cities such as Boston, Osaka, Krakow, Tokyo, and Vienna.
Concerto da Camera Barque Ensemble
Elizabeth Coupe| Soprano
David Tong | Recorder
Agnieszka Mazur | Baroque Oboe & Recorder (Co- Music Director)
Karen Yeung | Baroque Bassoon (Artistic Director)
Hyunjung Choi | Baroque Violin (Co- Music Director)
Gary Ngan | Baroque Violin
Kate Moran | baroque Violin
Shelagh Heath | Baroque Cello
Sonia Lee | Harpsichord (Co- Music Director)
Simon Williams | Percussion
Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble (Hong Kong) focus on presenting European classical music from the 16th to the 18th century on period instruments. While historically informed practice is the guiding principle in our performance, we look for innovations through tradition to promote early music.
This project is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

法國國王路易十四銳意把舞蹈塑造為貴族藝術的典範,法國的作曲家及音樂家致力在作品中做到以濬哲撼動人心,同時通過律動與音韻抒情達意。歐洲各地的作曲家受法國藝術風格影響,亦在創作中加入芭蕾舞、宮廷舞,及優雅的裝飾音等法式元素。雅樂合奏團將與法國巴羅克舞蹈專家Pierre-François Dollé 合作演出,呈獻一場華麗的法國巴羅克盛宴。
演奏法國宮廷作曲家的音樂,如尚-巴蒂斯特·呂利(Jean-Baptiste Lully)、馬克-安東·夏邦提耶(Marc-Antoine Charpentier)、法蘭索瓦·庫普蘭(Francois Couperin)等人的作品。在音樂會的下半場,我們將演奏一些非法國巴羅克時期的作曲家的音樂,像是韓德爾(Handel),他將法國元素融入自己的作品中。
Pierre-François Dollé (法國) | 巴羅克舞蹈家及編舞家
Dollé 於科隆音樂及舞蹈學院接受訓練,取得國家舞蹈教師文憑,隨後經常於巴黎國家歌劇院演出。 自2005 年起,Dollé開始鑽研古代舞蹈,曾與多個早期音樂或舞蹈藝團合作,包括l'Eclat des Muses、l'Eventail、Les Arts Florissants、Le Poème Harmonique、Le Théâtre de l'Incrédule、Divertimenty、 The Toronto Consort、Zeitentanz、Capella de la Torre、Les Jardins Chorgraphiques 等。
作為編舞家,Dollé一直在法國及海外參與歌劇製作、舞台劇及舞蹈表演。 多年來,他亦與Les Arts Florissants 合作無間,一同演出、推廣藝術教育、舉辦舞蹈工作坊及舞會。 Dollé透過大師班、常規課程或工作坊等形式春風化雨,培育更多早期舞蹈愛好者。
作為編舞家,Dollé一直在法國及海外參與歌劇製作、舞台劇及舞蹈表演。 多年來,他亦與Les Arts Florissants 合作無間,一同演出、推廣藝術教育、舉辦舞蹈工作坊及舞會。 Dollé透過大師班、常規課程或工作坊等形式春風化雨,培育更多早期舞蹈愛好者。
吳莉嫺 | 女高音
唐書堯 |木笛
Agnieszka Mazur | 巴羅克雙簧管、木笛 (聯合音樂總監)
楊嘉倫 | 巴羅克巴松管 (藝術總監)
崔賢貞 | 巴羅克小提琴 (聯合音樂總監)
顏嘉俊 | 巴羅克小提琴
Kate Moran | 巴羅克小提琴
洪嘉儀 | 巴羅克大提琴
李敏琪 | 古鍵琴 (聯合音樂總監)
衛西門 | 敲擊樂