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Media and Press
(媒體報道)第二香港古樂節音樂電影《人生如夢》於荷蘭著名文化滙點及古蹟 Huis Midwoud 公映,到時導演Daan Vree 及古鋼琴 Kaoru Iwamura 與觀眾為電影幕後作分享!
Music Vide “Life is a Dream” from the 2nd Hong Kong Music Festival will be publicly screen at the cultural and heritage venue Huis Midwoud, in the Netherlands. Film director Daan Vree and Fortepianist Kaoru Iwamura will also be giving some sharing for behind the scenes fun facts to the audience. If you are nearby, cone and join, an additional session has been added on demends.

3rd Dec 2021
3rd October 2020
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