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Now you can enjoy our online production in anywhere & at anytime!
CONCERT I-Telemann’s Trio Sonata in F major for violin, bassoon & basso continuo
Baroque violin - Gary Ngan 巴羅克小提琴 - 顏嘉俊
Baroque Bassoon - Karen Yeung 巴羅克巴松管 - 楊嘉倫
Harpsichord (basso continuo) - Dr. Sonia Lee 古鍵琴 (數字低音)- 李敏琪博士
CONCERT II - The Musical Offering by J.S. Bach
Harpsichord - Kenneth Yeung 古鍵琴 - 楊奇峰
CONCERT III - Sammartini’s Concerto for violoncello piccolo, strings & basso continuo
Five-string violoncello piccolo - Dr. Ka-Wai Yu 五弦高音大提琴 - 余嘉維博士
Harpsichord (basso continuo) - Dr. Sonia Lee 古鍵琴(數字低音)- 李敏琪博士
CONCERT V-Schickhardt Recorder Concerto
Baroque recorder - Jennifer Tsang 巴羅克木笛 - 曾霆枝 Baroque bassoon (basso continuo) - Karen Yeung 巴羅克巴松管(數字低音)- 楊嘉倫 Harpsichord (basso continuo) - Dr. Sonia Lee 古鍵琴(數字低音)- 李敏琪博士
CONCERT IV- Partimento and Thoroughbass Improvisation
Harpsichord - Kenneth Yeung 古鍵琴 - 楊奇峰
CONCERT VI- George Frideric Handel (1685–1759)’s
Sonata in F Major for oboe and basso continuo, HWV 363a
Baroque Oboe 巴羅克雙簧管 - Agnieszka Mazur Baroque bassoon (basso continuo) - Karen Yeung 巴羅克巴松管(數字低音)- 楊嘉倫
Harpsichord (basso continuo) - Dr. Sonia Lee 古鍵琴(數字低音)- 李敏琪博士
Hope you enjoy the new experience of virtual concerts! Also for us it was a new way to have virtual chamber music ‘rehearsals’ and performance.
Thank you
HKUST, Center for the Arts 香港科技大學藝術中心
for having us for the HKUST ARTS FESTIVAL 2021.
You can review all our concerts in
Concerto da Camera 雅樂合奏團's Youtube channel or our online TV station. Please like and subscribe our channel!
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