Now you can enjoy our online production in anywhere & at anytime!
“In search of pipe organs and their communities in Hong Kong

一連七集的「尋訪香港的管風琴與社區音樂特輯」之聖匠堂系列已全部上載於雅樂合奏團的TV Station及 Youtube平台。再次感謝聖匠堂全力協助我們拍攝、關心文化藝術發展的捐助者及參與人員的付出。六月份會再同大家到中環主教山上的聖保羅堂見面!
The 7 episodes of the "In search of Hong Kong's pipe organs and their communities"- series of SKH Holy Carpenter Church are all uploaded in our TV Station and Youtube platform. Here we thank the Holy Carpenter Church for supporting our project, the crowdfunding donor’s generous donation to support our production, all the musicians and the film crew for your input in this productions!
We will see you again in June for our new video series of SKH St. Paul’s Church in Central, once the area was called the Victoria City!
We will be having more programme coming soon to share with you, stay tune!